Purchase of new books for the library

Funded through the Art Support Fund

Purchase of new books for the library

"Books are to men what wings are to birds." (John Ruskin)

Regular replenishment of the library fund contributes to raising the educational level and cultural awareness of the general public and supporting and promoting reading and education of children and youth, as well as adult readers.

In 2023, the local public library in Bystričany took advantage of the opportunity to apply for financial support for the purchase of the library fund from the Art Support Fund within the program 5.4.1 Acquisition of libraries. Thanks to the provided financial resources in the amount of EUR 1,000 and with the participation of co-financing in the amount of EUR 112, we succeeded in enriching our library with 92 book titles, mainly fiction for adults, but also for children and youth. When buying books, we did not ignore our readers' interest in popular and professional literature.

New books obtained from the subsidy are displayed and made available in the premises of the local library, and readers are informed during their visit that the acquisition was supported from public funds by the Art Support Fund. Each book purchased from the mentioned funds is marked with a characteristic sticker.

We would like to thank the Art Support Fund for the financial contribution. We believe that we will satiate our readers with quality literature and enrich their artistic experience.

(libraries of the Local People's Library in Bystričany)