Registry office

Register in the village of Bystričany

The register is the state record of the personal status of natural persons who were born, married or died in the territory of the Slovak Republic, and citizens of the Slovak Republic who were born, married or died abroad.

The register consists of a book of births, a book of marriages and a book of deaths. In the village of Bystričany, state registers have been kept since their beginning, i.e. since 1895. Our first register books (1895-1906) are handed over to the regional archive, Bojnice branch. At the registry office in Bystričany, we keep records from 1907 to the present day.

Register events (births, marriages, deaths) that took place in our municipality are recorded in the register books.
Until 1950, our registry office also recorded registry events that occurred in the neighboring villages of Zemianske Kostoľany and Kamenec pod Vtáčnikom. Registry events (births, marriages, deaths) that happened to citizens abroad are recorded in a special registry in Bratislava. In addition, data on adoption, determination of parentage and divorce are recorded in the registry books.

Upon written request, the registry office prepares an official extract - birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate for the person to whom the entry relates or for members of their family (spouse, parents, children, grandchildren, siblings). Upon written request, the registry office will allow the mentioned persons to look into the registry and make extracts from it.

The fee for issuing an official statement (birth, marriage, death certificate) is EUR 5.00 in cash. The official extract that is issued first after a new event (birth, marriage, death) is not charged. The fee for viewing the register and making a statement is charged, for each volume of the register in the amount of 2 euros in cash.

Clerk for the Registry:

Soňa Dudášová

tel. number: 0915 892 826



Application for the issuance of a registration document

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Certification of signatures and documents

Since 2002, the agenda of certifying signatures on documents and certifying photocopies of documents has been carried out by all municipal and city offices, even those that do not have a registry office.
From this time on, administrative fees for these actions are collected in cash to the municipal treasury and not in stamps.

When certifying a signature, it is necessary for the person whose signature is to be certified to appear in person at the municipal office and present a valid ID card and the document on which the signature is to be certified. The fee for the certification of one signature is 2.00 euros in cash.

When certifying a photocopy of a deed, it is necessary to submit the original and a photocopy of the deed that you require to be certified. The fee for certifying a photocopy of the deed is 2.00 euros in cash, for each page started.

The certificate at the Municipal Office in Bystričany is carried out during the specified office hours and office days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).


Affidavit, power of attorney