Power outage in the village

April 17, 2024 - WEDNESDAY!

Stredoslovenská distribučná, as informs citizens that from: 04/17/2024 07:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
electricity distribution will be interrupted for the following collection points:

ČOM 4612796 EIC 24ZSS4612796000A (Ružová, Bystričany)
ČOM 6302757 EIC 24ZSS63027570009 (Osloboditeľov 750, Bystričany)
ČOM 6204963 EIC 24ZSS62049630003 (Dlhá 326, Bystričany)
ČOM 6204951 EIC 24ZSS6204951000J (Dlhá, Bystričany)
ČOM 6204954 EIC 24ZSS62049540004 (Dlhá 341, Bystričany)
ČOM 6315600 EIC 24ZSS6315600000B (SNP 779, Bystričany)
ČOM 6204952 EIC 24ZSS6204952000E (Dlhá, Bystričany)
ČOM 6204959 EIC 24ZSS6204959000G (Dlhá 16, Bystričany)
ČOM 6204919 EIC 24ZSS62049190003 (Osloboditeľov, Bystričany)
ČOM 6302760 EIC 24ZSS63027600001 (Osloboditeľov 751, Bystričany)
ČOM 6302759 EIC 24ZSS630275900AG (Bystričany 753, Bystričany)
ČOM 6309827 EIC 24ZSS63098270001 (JA Komenského 817, Bystričany)
ČOM 6315588 EIC 24ZSS63155880004 (SNP 780, Bystričany)
ČOM 6302779 EIC 24ZSS6302779000O (Osloboditeľov 752, Bystričany)
ČOM 6302779 EIC 24ZSS6302779000O (Osloboditeľov 752, Bystričany)
ČOM 6204966 EIC 24ZSS6204966000P (SNP, Bystričany)
ČOM 6204939 EIC 24ZSS6204939000S (Mirka Nešpora 17, Bystričany)

Since there will be an interruption in the distribution of electricity to your point of consumption, we recommend that you take the necessary measures to prevent possible damage, as SSD, as the operator of the distribution system, is not responsible (with the exception of damage caused by its fault) for damage caused by restriction or interruption of electricity distribution, if the restriction or interruption was made in accordance with sec. § 31 paragraph 1 letter e) point 6 of Act no. 251/2012 Coll. on energy and on the amendment of some laws, i.e. if the restriction or interruption of the distribution of electricity was carried out in the event of breakdowns on the equipment of the distribution system and during their removal.