Reconstruction of public lighting


The municipality of Bystričany implemented the project with the support of financial resources from EU structural funds within the operational program Competitiveness and economic growth.

Priority axis: 2 - Energy
Measure: 2.2 - Building and modernizing public lighting for cities and towns and providing consultancy in the field of energy

Place of project implementation : Bystričany village

Project name : "Reconstruction of public lighting in the village of Bystričany"

Brief description of the project : The subject of the project was the reconstruction of the existing public system
lighting in the village of Bystričany. The aim of the project was to meet the technical standards for the lighting of roads and public spaces, as well as to reduce the energy consumption of the lighting system and ensure trouble-free operation of public lighting. As part of the project, 346 new LED lamps were installed. 336 pieces of new steel booms were delivered and installed, 5 pieces of switchboards for powering public lighting were replaced.

Name and address of recipient : Municipality of Bystričany, M. Nešpora 1, 972 45 Bystričany

The amount of the contribution provided : €260,346.57
Date of starting the implementation of project activities: 08/2015
Project completion date: 04/2016

Name of the governing body : Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
Website of the governing body :
Website of the operational program :